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Journal of Community Development
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Journal of Community Development is officially registered in the Centre for Data and Scientific Documentation (PDDI), Indonesia Institute of Science with ISSN Number 2747-2760 (online). Journal of Community Development is published biannually (October and April) by Indonesian Journal Publisher. Journal of Community Development a scientific journal, double-blind peer-reviewed and open-access journal. Journal of Community Development (Comdev) is an academic journal organized and operated by Indonesian Journal Publishing which aims at publishing conceptual thought or idea and research findings that have been achieved in the field of community development.
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Penerapan Teknologi Pompa Irigasi Pertanian Bertenaga Surya di Desa Dukuhdempok Kecamatan Wuluhan Kabupaten Jember Yuli Hananto; Zeni Ulma; Alex Taufiqurrohman Zain; Michael Joko Wibowo; Risse Entikaria Rachmanita
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.126


The conversion of agricultural land is an issue that needs attention because of the community's dependence on the agricultural sector and a serious threat to national food security with permanent impacts. Difficulty in irrigating agricultural land is one of the triggering factors for increasing land conversion, then a technology is needed to overcome this problem. The purpose of the implementation of this community service is to make irrigation system support equipment by utilizing renewable energy, namely solar panels. Solar panels are used as an energy source to drive the pump. To find out the effectiveness of the manufacture of solar-powered irrigation pumps, a performance test of the tool is carried out, namely testing of energy gain and water discharge. The solar-powered irrigation pump with a capacity of 800 Wp can operate properly which results in an average energy gain of 940.4 Wh with an average discharge gain of 1.84 liters/second.
Penerapan Teknologi Venturi Finebubble Portable Buoy Berbasis Solar Cell dan Internet Of Things Pada Tambak Udang Vaname Karangrejo Banyuwangi Achmad Noval Kurniawan Raroeng; Moch. Yusron; Alfan Mubarok; Siti Ainun Fiqiyah; Anfasa Syahrul Habibie; Risse Entikaria Rachmanita
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.128


Indonesia is a maritime country that has enormous potential in marine products. One of the marine products which is the highest export commodity is shrimp. Lingkungan Pakem, Karangrejo Village, Banyuwangi Regency is a partner location that is one of the national shrimp producing centers. Partners cultivate vaname shrimp with an intensive system as a producer of oxygen bubbles. The application of an intensive system causes problems, namely the amount of electricity costs and the uneven flow of water flow so that oxygen levels are not optimal. Based on these problems, the application of venturi finebubble portable buoy technology based on solar cells and IoT aims to increase the efficiency of the production of vannamei shrimp produced. The stages of technology application to partners consist of observation, planning, manufacture, assembly, and evaluation. The implementation of this technology can reduce electricity bills from operational costs in one harvest period (2 months) which was initially IDR 3,000,000.00 to IDR 2,000,000.00 and the average mortality rate of shrimp from 3000 individuals is equivalent to IDR 1,100,000.00 to 1560 individuals which is equivalent to IDR 572,000.00. Thus, the savings achieved are 37% or IDR 1,528,000.00 per harvest.
Implementasi dan Pelatihan Agrowisata Virtual Tour dan Branding Pada Kelompok Tani Green Fresh Pelaga IGKG Puritan Wijaya ADH; Ni Nyoman Utami Januhari; I Made Surya Adiputra; I Made Arya Budhi Saputra; I Made Bhaskara Gautama; I Gusti Ngurah Wikranta Arsa; Cahya Harya Dharma; Ni Putu Cindy Wulandari
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.134


Pelaga Village offers tourist attractions complete with their ecology. Pelaga Village has a large and diverse horticultural farm ranging from vegetables, flowers, and fruit. Pelaga Village has a Farmers Group called Pelaga Green Fresh with members spread throughout the Pelaga Village hamlets. Each member has a well-managed garden with the production of vegetable and fruit commodities. This potential makes Pelaga Village suitable as an agro-tourism location which is also one of the leading programs in the Pelaga Village RPJMDes. However, the Green Fresh Pelaga Farmer Group has not realized the potential of this agro-tourism due to a lack of knowledge and lack of information media to introduce the potential of this village. Therefore, branding and information media are needed so that the agro-tourism potential of Pelaga Village can be recognized by more people so that it can improve the welfare of the local community. In addition to using information media, the Green Fresh Pelaga Farmer Group also needs knowledge on how to brand and use this information media. This activity is carried out by creating information media in the form of a Virtual Tour which includes a garden atmosphere and agro-tourism video content. In addition, training was conducted on using the virtual tour website and socialization as well as training on Agro-tourism branding in the Pelaga village area, especially for the Pelaga Green Fresh Farmer Group. This is done to make the potential of Pelaga village more accessible and farmers understand about agro-tourism branding. Based on the results of the activity, members of the farmer groups have been able to understand the use of brands in the implementation of their products. In addition, the members of the Green Fresh farmer group also have a virtual tour website and are able to master the management of the virtual tour website.
Pelatihan Perakitan Battery Pack Lithium Ion 18650 Untuk Guru SMK di Kabupaten Jember Cahyaning Nur Karimah; Dwi Djoko Suranto; Dicky Adi Tyagita; Alex Taufiqurrohman Zain; Aditya Wahyu Pratama; Dety Oktavia Sulistiono; Faruq Avero Azhar
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.121


The battery pack is one of the potential parts to be developed on a laboratory scale. The battery pack is a unit of several rechargeable battery cells assembled in series-parallel. Battery packs are generally equipped with a Battery management system (BMS). BMS is an electronic circuit that functions to limit the current and voltage entering the battery in the charging process when the battery is full. This will certainly prevent short circuits and increase battery life. As one of the vocational education institutions, SMK are expected to be able to read and take advantage of existing opportunities related to the increasing number of national vehicles and the acceleration of battery-based electric vehicles according to Presidential Regulation number 5 of 2019. In line with the link and match agenda of vocational universities with SMK, this community service team took the initiative to collaborate with SMK together with PTV as a facilitator and SMK teachers as SMK partners. This training activity begins with preparing an electric vehicle battery pack prototype and testing it in the automotive engine laboratory, engineering drawing and computing studio and DUDI partner workshops. At the end of the training, an evaluation was carried out in the form of a questionnaire on the success of the battery assembly training activities using a linkert scale. As a result, the battery assembly training which activities are measuring and monitoring battery pack, increase the knowledge of teachers about how to assemble 18650 lithium ion batteries according to the requirements of the motor that is used.
Penerapan Metode Takakura Sebagai Upaya Pengolahan Sampah Organik Skala Rumah Tangga Secara Mandiri Pada Generasi Muda Yuvita Dian S; Musarofa Musarofa; Dio Aji Saputra; Debita Dwi Putri
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.146


Takakura method is one of making compost method on a small scale and with continuous production. This method has advantages compared to other method, beside its practis, this ,ethode does not require any special skills to make it. This is consider suitable to be applied in order to teach waste management in the youth environment, especially to increase the knowledge and awareness of adolescents as human beings “the waste producer”. Gresik is one of the supporting areas for development of Surabaya, which is characterized by the development of settlement clusters. The growth and development of settlements in areas bordering the city of Surabaya is an indicator o the increasingly widespread socio-economic activities of the urban community towards the Surabaya-gresik border. The pattern of waste waste management that dominates in this area is an individual pattern where waste is usually burned in the fron/back yard of each residents or it is disposed of into rivers. This activities is carried out especially teenagers in Karang Taruna, Pengalangan Village, Gresik ragenciy can become agents of change in society and can be more responsible for the waste they produced. In addition, this training activitiey can also be a provision for teenagers to be more empowered and foster an entrepreneurial spirit both individually or groups
Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Guna Peningkatan Akuntabilitas Pada Koperasi Mitra Sejahtera Ari Sita Nastiti; Budi Santoso
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.147


Multi-business Cooperative Partners (KSU) Mitra Sejahtera is a cooperative that was established in 2015 and operates their business at the Integrated Islamic Middle School (SMPIT) Jember. Partners have various business units. Some of the problems experienced by Partners, among others: do not have an understanding of cooperative accounting and the cooperative's financial reports have not been prepared so that Partners cannot hold RAT. Based on the problems and priorities of the Partners, the solution offered is assistance in preparing financial reports to increase accountability. This PKM activities take place from January to May 2023 using the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) method, which emphasizes the principle of learning by doing. The stages of implementing this PKM activity begin with the preparation stage, collecting financial data, delivering material, assisting the process of preparing financial reports and ending with the evaluation stage. Based on the evaluation results, the cooperative's financial reports have been compiled so that the RAT can be implemented. However, partners' understanding of accounting and the preparation of cooperative financial reports still needs to be improved.
Upaya Perajin Pande Besi Dalam Penyediaan Stok Produksi dalam Memenuhi Permintaan Pasar Regional Syamsul Hadi; Insan Wijaya; Risa Martha Muliasari; Muhammad Hazmi; Taufiq Timur Warisaji
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

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The main equipment facilities owned by blacksmith craftsmen are generally still relatively behind compared to the progress of modern blacksmith equipment. Likewise, business managerial skills also do not use modern management which is required to manage the business effectively even though the business scale is classified as micro. The purpose of this activity is to transfer knowledge and skills in the field of appropriate technology, business management and marketing to help create economic growth and prosperity for artisans. Methods of implementing activities in the form of social engineering and technological engineering through outreach, and training using the Adult Education System. The approach taken to the engineering process is in the form of a participatory approach, empowerment and entrepreneurship building in an effort to strengthen the capacity of the target human resources by involving stakeholders with a mentoring model. The result of the implementation of the Science and Technology Program for the Community is the capacity of human resources to manage the business being developed, including the application of new technology that can run well. The economic impact is getting better because it can save costs by 39.63% and the profit rate increases by 19.37% and the work environment is more conducive
Pemanfaatan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Guna Mendukung Pertanian di Kecamatan Jelbuk, Kabupaten Jember Maria Azizah; Fadil Rohman; Suwardi Suwardi; Rahmat Ali Syaban; Edi Siswadi; M. Zayin Sukri; Refa Firgiyanto; Gallyndra Fatkhu Dinata; Tri Rini Kusparwanti; Dian Hartatie
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.149


Jelbuk District, Jember Regency is an area with natural resource potential in the form of superior agricultural commodities which include food crops, horticulture and plantations such as rice, corn, cayenne pepper, bananas, coconut and tobacco. This potential makes Jelbuk District one of the areas that makes an important contribution in producing agricultural products in Jember Regency. However, the sustainability of the potential of natural resources and the contribution of agriculture in Jelbuk District has faced the problem of local farmers who were still dependent on chemical fertilizers and pesticides which besides being expensive can also be detrimental to the environment. In order to solve these problems, it was necessary to carry out socialization and counseling activities related to the utilization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) which have been widely studied to increase plant growth and production as well as the efficiency of the use of chemical inputs. Community service activities were conducted in August 2022 in Sucopangepok Village, Jelbuk District, Jember Regency through three stages, namely situation analysis and preparation, socialization and counseling and assistance. Socialization and counseling is carried out with material assistance using the panel method. The results of community service show that science and technology transfers related to the use of PGPR in plant cultivation can be accepted by partners as shown by the high enthusiasm of partners through active discussions on programs that have been socialized.
Pemberdayaan Perempuan Berkemajuan Melalui Sekolah Ibu Pintar (SEKITAR) Dwi Yunita Haryanti; Siti Kholifah; Dina Ramadaniyah; Desta Almiira Hudoyo; Nadya Intifadha Furensa; Wasilatur Rohmah
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.150


Mother's knowledge is very important in carrying out her role as a mother in the family and society. An educated and knowledgeable mother can be a good role model for her family, especially children. The purpose of this community service is to prepare an informal educational platform that accompanies and teaches women, especially mothers, to become intelligent, agile and exemplary figures. This dedication partner is the Head of the Aisyiyah Branch in the Bangsalsari District. The implementation method is health education which consists of the stages of preparation, implementation and evaluation. The dedication activity was carried out on Sunday, April 16 2023 at 14.00-17.00 at the Al Furqon Mosque, Bangsalsari Village, Jember Regency which was attended by 38 participants. The result of this community service is the formation of an informal community called the Smart Mother School and its learning curriculum. The conclusion is that informal schools for mothers are one of the efforts to guard and increase the knowledge of mothers in carrying out their roles both within the family and in the community.
Edukasi Pembelajaran Saintifik Pada Guru-Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah As Shofa Siti Nursyamsiyah; Toni Herlambang
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): August
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i1.151


Scientific learning is entrusted learning from the K-13 curriculum which includes the 5 Ms, namely (observing, asking, reasoning, communicating and presenting). Scientific learning education was attended by 12 teachers from various subject areas. This learning model is very important to be implemented in schools with the aim of building a critical attitude of students, learning becomes conducive and harmonious, motivating and encouraging students to communicate. Scientific learning education for MI As Shofa teachers is the main goal to provide changes in everyday learning. The method of implementing this service uses demonstrations related to scientific designs. Assistance in the preparation of the learning framework is carried out with the implementing team and evaluating the results. The results of this implementation show the motivation and enthusiasm of teachers in socialization activities and the responses of teachers in observing media images and being able to provide appropriate responses. At the end of the implementation, the teachers designed lesson plans for each subject using a scientific approach that applied the 5 M.

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